
plow was first use in China

In 3000 BCE   The Plow is First Used in China-                                                          In order to produce the abundant food supply required for a society to move from agrarian to technological pursuits, advancements in farming techniques are key. To increase the amount of a crop that can be grown, it is necessary to prepare the soil to maximize aeration and nutrient dispersion. Before 3000 BCE, this tilling of the land was done by hand, with a form of pick or hoe. The Chinese, however, discovered that a fixed blade could be attached to a frame, and pulled through the earth, allowing a much greater area of land to be cultivated for significantly less effort and time. Initially, plows were pulled by farmers, but, thanks to the domestication of animals, plows could be harnessed to beasts of burden, greatly reducing the effort needed to farm an area of land and effectively increasing the area of land that a farmer could oversee. This increase, in turn, led to

first animal found in China Pigs

                  Pigs First Domesticated  7600 BCE - Pigs First Domesticated-                                                                 One of the most important milestones that a culture can reach during its early history is the domestication of animals. This process allows a society to move from hunter-gatherer to agrarian, which provides stability for the people. After a civilization has moved to an agrarian lifestyle, they have the opportunity to focus on language development, which is the first step in establishing permanence of culture. In China, the earliest record of domestication points to roughly 7600 BCE as the time when the Chinese first domesticated pigs. The value of domesticating pigs over other animals is manifold. First, pigs possess a high level of intelligence, meaning that farmers need not spend time supervising the animals, making the farmer more productive. Second, pigs are omnivorous, which reduces the land required to graze a herd of animals.

Homo Sapiens First Appear in China

 In c.130,000 BCE, the northern hemisphere entered the Eemian interglacial period of the most current Ice Age. During this period, the average temperature was as much as two degrees warmer than the modern period. As such, it encouraged the migration of various species, in particular Homo sapiens. More than other Homo species, Homo sapiens demonstrated adaptability and ingenuity. The Eemian period made habitable portions of the world that would have previously not supported human life, and Homo sapiens took advantage of the climate shift. Approximately five thousand years later, a group of hunter-gatherer humans made the journey across central Asia and reached what is today recognized as China. Over the next several tens of thousands of years, these early hunter-gatherers began to establish permanent settlements. With this settlement, the basis for the tribes that became the Chinese was established.